Friday, December 20, 2013

In a galaxy far far away....

I'm sorry all of my posts have been so sporadic, I feel stymied on my quilt and I'm so close to finishing I just needed to walk away from it a bit because I felt it was becoming quite the obsession that I needed some perspective. I still have about 8 more quilt squares to complete until I am ready for final assembly. I have also been job hunting like a fiend and that has taken up the greater part of my time of late. However, I was doing a little embroidery today and thought it would be a good time to update my blog. After this post though, I think the only fandoms I have remaining are The Chronicles of Narnia, Battlestar Galactica, Sherlock and Star Gate. I also have yet to find a place to get a custom piece made for middle square.

But I digress, lets talk Star Wars. What would my nerdy quilt be without Star Wars? This particular franchise has the most quilt squares because it is so incredibly epic. George Lucas revolutionized science fiction and the world of special effects when Star Wars first came out in the late 1970s. To this day, it is completely relevant and does not seem hokey at all. This is the most epic battle of good versus evil, the rebel alliance versus the empire. So many political and social parallels can be drawn from the world of star wars. My quilt squares are a mix of just fabric, applique and embroidery. So without further ado:
The first two are just some nifty fabric I found at JoAnn's.

Fabric applique of the Millenium Falcon:

I thought about filling in the details of the droids but that would have been incredibly labor intensive plus I was not confident in my own skills:

I love how Yoda turned out! I was going to fill him in with a nice satin stitch but I thought he looked nice against the white fabric, plus satin stitching uses up an insane amount of thread:

This is my fabric applique Ewok, cutified. 

And my fabric applique wookie that is also cutified:

A light saber, and I found this DMC metallic type green embroidery floss. They make a glow in the dark floss that would have been awesome but they didn't have it in store and I didn't feel like ordering it online:

Storm Trooper:

Of course, Vader had to be a part:

And there you have it. My Star Wars quilt squares. 

I would like to take a moment to discuss how incredibly upset I am that J.J. Abrams has teamed up with Disney for the next installments of Star Wars. Come on Lucas! What is going on? This is going to be an abysmally disappointing disaster. We might as well make Patton Oswalts dream come true: 

Next Post: The final pieces! (As there are only a few dedicated to each of my remaining fandoms, once I finish them I will make one final post with my remaining quilt squares before I reveal the final product!) 

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